Design and creativity are a fine start. Good advice is often the way to a better result.
Defining the identity of a business is risky. Very often people are tempted to rely on traditions and postpone modern renovation.
New opportunities for positioning can be overlooked from an internal perspective – one’s own strengths have become self-evident.
But for hesitation, the competition for new markets and better employees is too tough.
Lünstroth CI consultants rely on the sometimes surprising view from an external perspective: This makes unique positions visible, which have become a matter of course for their own employees.
Corporate Identity in transition
In times of storytelling, the form moves into the background; the narrative decides on the multiplication properties of the identity in digital space.
Relevance to identity strength
Brand Design55%
Brand Narrative70%
Corporate Wording68%
Corporate Behavior60%
Internal | Employer Branding85%
Corporate Identity was a fairly simple topic 30 years ago – many companies reduced it to corporate design.
Today, companies are more deeply nested and more extensive, the legal situation is more complicated and, due to mergers and acquisitions, it is increasingly necessary to integrate “foreign” companies into existing structures.
The increasing complexity is a difficult challenge for classic design agencies.
As a rule, not only the strategists are missing, but also the specialists with experience in trademark and competition law.
Lünstroth Identity Profilers have reacted and, with the deepening of corporate identity development, are now offering exactly the implementation of strategic planning that is not offered by conventional design agencies.
The way to this deepening is short: What is a corporate identity development other than the sensually tangible implementation of the brand strategy?
Companies like Apple and Google have shown it: The consistent implementation of the brand core in the corporate guidelines, the appearance and behavior of all employees is the right way to secure brand dominance in competitive markets.
We call it Corporate Conviction. But actually it’s only an experienceable identity.
Companies should not renounce this motivating force, as it represents a significant reinforcement of the purely formal definition of identity.
In addition to a sense of togetherness, corporate conviction can, above all, provide better orientation for decision-making processes at the middle and lower levels of management: The company acts “automatically” in the sense of the adopted business interest.
This not only works for companies, but also for football clubs, associations, public institutions or city brands.
Brand Identity Private Label Situation at start old logo This is the old logo of the private label. A positioning within the market differencing against competitor brands does not exist.…
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