The agency for Corporate Identity & Design
How we work.
Operation: strategydriven

- Brand values currently
- Brand Terminals (Ambassadors, Touchpoints)
- Identity History
- formative content and associated, signaling formal elements
These data are collected by the CI agency via market research or they are developed in workshops.

The strategy is being developed by the CI agency:
- the desired unique position in the market
- the previous, historical unique selling points
- the megatrends of markets and cultures
- the maximum reduction of the brand core to a common, transcultural semantic and semiotic coding

Development and definition of Corporate Identity
It is rare for a corporate brand to have the one, only possible solution. Lünstroth Corporate Identity introduces several creative options and their profiles.
Every design, be it in the area of design or corporate behavior, must be judged by whether it meets the strategic requirements and thus the objective. Only when the functionality in favor of the brand is guaranteed, temporary “style” enters the game.
The approach of Lünstroth Corporate Identity developers is transparent and comprehensible at every stage. The intensive examination of the possible systens and the subsequent definition of the ideal core of identity leads to high support of the chosen model in the company, its management levels and employees.

Roll out
Lünstroth CI plans and orchestrates a sensible and cost-optimized rollout together with the client.
In many cases, it makes sense to introduce the senior staff and external service providers responsible for communication in the various media channels to the background and procedures.
Lünstroth offers classic workshops, webinars as well as introductions on site.