The Brand Identity Company:
Who. Since when. And where.


Geschichte der Corporate Design Agentur

Luenstroth Corporate Identity has been founded by the brand advisor Peter Lünstroth in 2008 on demand of clients of Luenstroth Brand Consultancy who asked for execution of brand strategies. Roots has been set even earlier, in 1993, when Peter established a consulting firm for marketing and communication strategies.

Today Luenstroth CI and the brand consultancy are working for national and international clients within the field of brand system optimizing.


The agency is a functionally oriented corporate identity agency – it derives the specifications for corporate design from the overarching guidelines of corporate strategy. At the heart of this approach is the focus on the company’s “message” – what does it stand for, what should it be in the future and how can that best be achieved? We call this core the corporate myth, as a motivating core of condensation the corporate brand.
Since the Luenstroth CI agency has a high proportion of clients whose focus is the corporate brand – often an umbrella brand – the relation to the corporate identity is mandatory.

The brand-strategic approach, on the one hand, brings more functionality into the development process than it could be achieved with concept-free design and, on the other hand, the corporate identity is expressed in formal style – the myth becomes tangible.

Founder | CEO

Peter Lünstroth, Corporate Identity Stratege

Peter Lünstroth

Peter Lünstroth M.A. studied law in Bielefeld and Münster and philosophy and political science in Berlin. He used to be a journalist at Sender Freies Berlin initially and then switched to brand communication.
As Creative Director, he was responsible for the communication of brands like Apollinaris, Schweppes, Casio, Dr.Oetker, Homann, Langnese, Mentos, PioneerProcter & Gamble, S.Oliver, Whirlpool et. al.

Peter Lünstroth has a teaching assignment at the FHM and is a speaker for brand development at the Federal Patent Court.


Geschäftsführer der Corporate Identity und Design Agentur
Geschäftsführer Corporate Identity

Media Response

Manager-Magazin: Peter Lünstroth
Markeneinschätzung der Telekom
Peter Lünstroth zur Merkel-Politik
NW Bielefeld zum Markenaufbau Arminia Bielefeld
Markenküche: Peter Lünstroth äußert sich zur Markenpolitik


At and for Lünstroth are people who care about identity and design and who do more than just a good job. They penetrate market conditions, know the target groups and, above all, the touchpoints at which the brand and target people meet.

This is pleasing and relaxing for our clients. One can be sure to get solutions that are not only up to date with the latest findings, but also future-proof.


corporate identity agency

There aren’t locations in the classical sense at Lünstroth any longer.

First, the agency has the digital transformation behind it; the employees (or the external service providers) access the cloud and are thus spatially independent.

On the other hand, the respective customer determines the location of the agency: “We are where the customer is.” And if that’s not in Germany, but somewhere else on the globe, we are there, too.

References: Thank you!

Brand Identity Private Label


Albatros is a private label of ISM Lippstadt. Lünstroth revises the positioning of its own brand, develops a new logo and the corporate design.

all for one steeb

all for one steeb is a listed IT consulting company in Filderstadt. It offers holistic solutions and services along the entire IT value chain – from SAP industry solutions and cloud applications to scalable hosting and cloud services in German data centers, where they orchestrate the highly available operation of all business-relevant IT systems – for SAP as well as for example for Microsoft Exchange or SharePoint.

Lünstroth advises the company on questions of brand architecture.

Anker Positinierung des Unternehmens


Anker offers components for POS systems.

After the company left the Oracle Group, Lünstroth developed the brand positioning and the strategy for brand building as a new, independent company operating on the market and designed the startup trade fair appearance.

Employer Branding


Lünstroth conceives and shoots videos for the SAP service provider Apsolut to strengthen employer branding.

Markenoptimierung Arminia Bielefeld

Arminia Bielefeld

Lünstroth advises the traditional football club Arminia Bielefeld on questions of branding and optimizing brand image. The agency optimizes the club logo and develops the corporate design including its own Arminia font and creates the associated brand guide with the brand values.

Brand Integration

Bankverein Werther

This traditional bank brand is switching to the Volksbank Group.

Lünstroth supervises the brand transfer and develops a harmonious, non-cannibalizing brand management within the Volksbank brand architecture: The two differing identities are brought together synergistically.

Corporate Identity für öffentlich-rechtliche Institutionen

Bayerische Versorgungskammer

Bayerische Versorgungskammer consists of a dozen supply chambers for different occupations. Lünstroth advises the institution on brand architecture and a coordinated corporate design.
Brand Relaunch: Corporate Identity und Corporate Design


Cobiax is the building technology brand of the Heinze Group. Following the takeover of the company by the Heinze Group, Lünstroth develops the brand relaunch and defines the new corporate identity and corporate design.
Digital Branding: CI-Agentur Lünstroth

DDS Consulting

For the IT service provider DDS Consulting, Lünstroth develops digital branding and implements it in the form of the new website.

Eva Mann

For fashion label Eva Mann Lünstroth develops the positioning, the corporate design and the website.

Franke Lange

For the law firm Franke Lange Lünstroth develops a new corporate design and the website.
Unternehmensfusion Wirtschaftsprüfer

Gehrke Econ

The two auditing companies Gehrke and Econ merge to form Gehrke Econ.

Lünstroth accompanies the merger and develops a common brand architecture.

Maschinenbauer: Corporate Design Optimierung


As part of the generational change in the leadership of the mechanical engineering company Gneuß Lünstroth supports the management in questions of brand architecture and corporate design and optimizes the design guidelines.

Automotive Supplier


Lünstroth advises Hella on questions of brand management, brand architecture and develops assortment, product and technology brands.

Logoentwicklung und Corporate Design


Lünstroth is developing a brand relaunch for the wholesaler ISM, optimizing the corporate design and repositioning its own brands.

Junited Autoglas

For Autoglaser e.G. Lünstroth develops the franchise system Junited Autoglas including market positioning, brand design and brand guide.
Feinkost-Marke: Brand und Package Design


For the delicatessen supplier Kühlmann, Lünstroth develops a logo optimization, corporate design, accompanies the product development, develops brands and package designs.
Hotellerie: Markeneinführung


For the hotel chain Leonardo Lünstroth takes over the brand introduction and the employer branding.
Niedax: Markenoptimierung


The Niedax Group is growing. Lünstroth integrates the newly acquired brands into the brand architecture and advises on questions of brand management.


For Piasten Lünstroth develops new product lines for international markets, optimizes the packaging design and develops internationally protected product brands.

Stadtwerke Bielefeld

For Stadtwerke Bielefeld Lünstroth develops tariff-brand families.
Bereinigung des Markenportfolios


The Uniglas group holds many product brands throughout Europe. Lünstroth optimizes the brand architecture and structurizes the portfolio.

Volksbank PHD

For Volksbank Paderborn-Höxter-Detmold, Lünstroth integrates the acquired Werther corporate bank into the brand portfolio.
Corporate Identity und Corporate Design Entwicklung

werner works

Lünstroth is developing a complete corporate relaunch for werner works: new company name, new logo, new corporate identity, new corporate design and new corporate communications.


Lünstroth develops a certification system for affiliated companies as well as a marketing essay, including consumer-oriented brand development, for the Central Association of German Construction (ZDB).